If you are looking for a holographic sight, having so many options available can make this a rather complicated task. The good thing is that there are guides like this that were written to make the entire process easier for you. Here is an in-depth look at several of the best holographic sights that are available on the market.
When buying you should
If you decide to forge ahead and purchase one of these products, it is important that you have the best possible experience. Here are a few tips that will help you have a positive outcome. These pointers will also help you keep your sight in great shape.
1. Buy a cover. This is probably the best piece of advice anyone can ever give you. The great thing is that you can buy a cover for less than it takes to purchase a cup of coffee. One simple purchase can help you keep debris away from your purchase and stop it from becoming scratched when it is not in use.
2. Always buy sights from reputable retailers. Like you were told earlier, there are some companies that have produced knockoffs of some of this brand’s offerings. You do not want to buy something that is low-quality since it means that it may not perform as well as it should. Even if the deal you are offered is very favorable, it would still be in your best interest to consider the source.
3. Try not to use these at extreme temperatures. There are some occasions when you cannot help this, but other times it is certainly possible to prevent it from being used of it is very hot or cold. These items may not perform at their best under those conditions.
1. EOTech 552.A65/1 Military HOLOgraphic Weapon Sight

This is another offering from the brand and it is just as pleasing as the last product discussed. This is precisely why it is included in this guide to finding the best holographic sight. This particular product is even better than the last since it is submersible up to 33 feet. There are so many features that make this one of the best options on the market, including the following:
• It weighs a mere 10.9 ounces.
• The brightness adjustment range is 146,000:1.
• There is an auto battery check indicator available.
• The display window has an anti-glare coating.
• This product has unlimited eye relief.
There are many positive points, but there are some things that leave a lot to be desired. Negative aspects include:
• There is a serious problem with thermal drift when used in extreme temperatures.
• The sight is not parallax-free as it was originally claimed to be.
• The gasket that seals the battery is not as sturdy as it should be.
Despite these shortcomings, this continues to be one of the best holographic sights that money can buy. Those who decide to take a chance on this are ultimately satisfied with the performance of this product.
2. EOTech 512.A65 Tactical HOLOgraphic AA Batteries Weapon Sight

Many people who have purchased this product consider it the best holographic sight because it is versatile and designed to provide the user with the utmost speed. This model has twenty levels of brightness, which means it can be used in anything from low light to the beaming rays of an afternoon sun. Here are some of the pros and cons of this item:
• It is simple to use and is extremely accurate.
• Changing the brightness is a cinch.
• Ideal for people who may have problems with their eyesight.
• The installation of this product is extremely simple.
• There is no need to resight after changing the batteries.
• This product does not have any way to adjust the magnification.
• This item is not night-vision capable.
• It is considered waterproof, but this is only true up to a depth of 10 feet.
While there are a few flaws that may make someone think a minute before deciding to go forward with a purchase, the benefits that can be gleaned from using this outweigh most of the negative aspects.
3. EOTech 517.A65 Holographic Sight

The brand continues to better its offerings each time they create a new product, and this one is no exception. As with the other featured products, there are several good and bad points that should be noted when trying to decide if this is the right product for you.
• There is a flashing indicator that will alert you if the battery is going dead.
• This product is parallax-free.
• This sight is fitted with fog-proof internal optics.
• This item can be submerged in up to 10 feet of water without sustaining any damage.
• The rear window is shatterproof.
• It does not include a cover, so you will have to purchase one separately in order to keep it safe.
• The unit has a difficult time holding a zero.
• The company was sued and as a result, people are actually allowed to return this for a refund.
With all of this revealed, it should be perfectly clear why there are so many people out there who are in love with this product. With so many options currently available on the market, it is certainly a viable candidate.
4. EOTech XPS3-0 HOLOgraphic Weapon Sight

At first glance, this product stands out from the rest because it is lightweight and extremely compact. If you purchase a single battery, you can get 600 hours of continuous use out of this. There are three reticle options and this item is very fast. This is the shortest sight offered by the brand, but that does not mean that it is any less powerful than the others. It has night vision compatibility as well as 10 additional settings that can be used. It shouldn’t be shocking to note that this product weighs in at just eight ounces. The fact that this comes with a quick-detach mount is an absolute dream.
Before you begin to bubble over with excitement, it should be noted that there are some issues associated with this particular sight. For instance, the control buttons are placed in a different position than they are normally in, which can make using this item a bit awkward. Countless people who purchased this item did not feel that the user’s manual was a well-written as it could have been. There is no dust cover included with this purchase, so you will have to buy one on your own. There have been some reports of users buying items that had flaws on the lens. They were replaced without any argument, but this is a real pain if you are looking to take advantage of your purchase right away.
5. Eotech EXPS3-0 Holographic Weapon Sight

When taking a look at the product, its diminutive size will lead one to believe that it is not as powerful as its much larger counterparts, but that is not the case at all. You can use a single 123 battery to operate this product, which means that you will not have to worry about the sight length being extended. The battery cap and latch that usually come on a sight are replaced with an O-ring, which heightens the security. Using this battery while placed on a 12 brightness setting will allow you to use this continuously for up to 600 hours. If you have night vision hardware, this sight is perfectly compatible with that.
The main problem many people have with this offering is the fact that everything gets very hazy if the brightness is turned up too high. Others felt like the holographics were a bit fuzzy. While this is not a direct issue with the product’s manufacturer, there are many low-grade companies that have made clones of this product. This can make it hard to tell whether you are in possession of the actual product or if you have been given a counterfeit.
Tips Hunting for the Absolute Newbies
There is nothing quite like communing with nature, and actually hunting for food or game. What is it about hunting that gets your blood pumping? Especially if your target is already inside your crosshairs. However, do not be fooled by what you see in television shows, hunting is not as easy as the professionals make it look like. You need tons of practice, an immense amount of patience, and at least the basic knowledge of handling firearms and animal behavior.
If this is your first time hunting then you might want to keep following tips hunting in mind.
1. You need to take hunting courses
Online hunting courses are not quite like attending them in the flesh. In these courses, you will meet other people who are just like you, and there will be expert trainers there who will teach you all about the basic etiquettes, personal tips hunting, and safety practices that you have to observe whenever you go hunting.
2. Practice your shooting skills
You will rarely get more than one chance to shoot at your quarry so you need to make it count, and the only way to do that is to practice your marksmanship. You need to familiarize yourself with your gun, so you might need to go to the shooting range at least once a week so you can get the hang of shooting. Never, ever go hunting using a new and unfamiliar gun or rifle; you will only end up frustrated.
3. If you can, find a mentor
You can teach yourself how to become a good hunter using online courses and tips hunting; it is definitely possible, and acceptable, for you to do so. However, having an expert hunter guide you to becoming an expert yourself is much better, not to mention more effective. You can tag along when he or she goes hunting so you can observe what your mentor teaches you.
4. Park your vehicle as far away as possible from where you plan to hunt
Here’s another tips hunting, park as far away as possible. Animals are easily spooked by loud noises, like the sounds cars and other vehicles make. You need to park your car or truck as far away from your hunting grounds and just hoof it the rest of the way there. This will minimize the risk of the animals hearing you coming and then running away towards another area.
5. Move really, really, really slow
Most beginners at hunting do not even realize that they need to move really slow when they are stalking their quarry, and most of the time they would not even stay put long enough. Keep a close eye on your watch whenever you are hunting. Decide on a specific amount of time wherein you will just stand still and observe your surroundings; like staying put for five minutes for every 15 minutes of moving. Having a set amount of time will force you to stay still and quiet so you will not miss any opportunities when they present themselves.
6. Immediately stop when you make any kind of noise
Here’s another good tips hunting that might come in handy when you are not that light on your feet. If you step on a dry twig and it makes a really audible snap, freeze and hold your position. Remember that wild animals have keener senses than humans do, so even the slightest noise might alert your prey about your position. When you fumbled and made a sound, freeze and slowly scan your surroundings, your quarry might still be investigating where the sound came from and might flee when it notices your movements.
7. Follow your prey carefully
You need to be extra careful when following the spoor (tracks) of your quarry; odds are that it is also observing if something or someone (that’s you) is following it. This is especially true if the tracks you are following are still fresh. You need to move carefully because the animal might not be stopping to feed, but is nibbling at the plants it comes across while moving.
8. Clear your shooting lane
When you are hunting from inside a deer blind, make sure that your shooting lane is clear of obstructions and it allows you to shift directions without bumping into anything. In addition, make sure that your position allows you to change your aim without you having to move too much. This will allow you to react to your quarry’s movements much quicker and without compromising your position.
9. Remember the spot where you hit the animal
If you were not able to hit a vital spot on the animal’s body, it can still run away and hide. So if you hit your target from a distance, take a mental note about the location where you hit the animal; look at the nearby trees, bushes, and other landmarks. Do not follow your prey immediately, even if you know where it is going. Go to the place where you hit the animal, and keep an eye out for the blood trail.
10. Do not focus on the ground when searching for the blood trail
Yes, crime shows on the television always show that the blood trail is on the ground; however, that may not always be the case when you are out hunting, especially in brushy areas. Besides the ground, a good tips hunting is to search the leaves on the bushes where the animal may have brushed against and left some blood.
11. Do not fall for the “instant drop”
If you hit the animal, and it immediately drops down, do not immediately assume that it is dead. The animal might just have suffered an initial shock, and if it notices that you are getting close, it might scramble and run away. Always approach your downed target carefully, and be prepared to shoot again if the animal is still alive.
12. Do not poke your quarry
For goodness sake, do not be like stupid hunters that you see in movies and TV shows who poke the barrel of their guns at the body of their targets just to make sure that it is no longer alive. If the animal is in shock, poking it may actually make it scramble up and run away; the danger here is not letting the animal get away, it is when it kicks up your gun and it goes off accidentally.
“Follow these tips hunting and you will become quite adept at it in no time at all. Keep in mind though, you will not become an expert in hunting overnight, it will take a long time before you are actually skilled enough to hunt on your own, so take this opportunity to practice your patience; you will need it later.”
There are other points that you may want to consider. Joining an online community and/or talking to someone that has experience with this kind of purchase can be very helpful. Since this is such a weighty purchase, it is nice to know that you are not alone and there are numerous people out there who can share in your experiences.
Now that you have all of this information available to you, it can help you find the best sight on the market. Even if you decide to buy one that was not listed here, at the very least you can use everything included here as a basis for comparison. While these are all made by the same company, there are small nuances that make these products different from one another. You have to consider your particular needs when it is time for you to make a purchase so you can be sure that you are making the correct decision.